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SOLD OUT – Embodied Voice Fundamentals online course in July


Starts July 5th!

(5 consecutive Sundays) from 10 am to 12m (Colombia time)
July 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and August 2nd.
Total: 10 hours.

If you can talk your can sing! 
This course will teach you how to access the live vibrant energy that is your own voice, and how it can be used as a dynamic source of integration, presence, growth and enjoyment.

Using body awareness, vocal sounds and visualizations you will learn how to open the “body gates” that connect us to the inexhaustible elemental forces of nature. Opening these gates will help you access a state of flow and availability, allowing the sacred universal current of sound to express through you.

This course is for ANYONE who wants to connect with their own voice as energy. The Embodied Voice Activation is a process that ignites the creative source at the center of your being, and allows your true voice to flow intact, healthy and free.

I have lowered the prices of the courses to make them more accessible during these months. There are also payment plans and scholarships.

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